July 12, 2009

Currently Accepting Applicants, Job Title: Girlfriend.

Lately it feels more and more that I'm surrounded by couples. It's like all the single, attractive ladies of my peer groups are slowly getting snapped up. I meet the dudes, and it turns out that most of the time, the guy is not a dirtbag.

I grin and bear it, I wish them well, and then I wonder: "why don't I have a girlfriend?" If this rather bland joe-blow here can get a girl, why am I single?

It's gotten particularly worse, especially since I left Vancouver. At that point, even though all the young professional there were getting engaged, or starting new relationships, I could tell myself that they were at a "different stage of life," they're looking at careers and settling down.

I come back to my band of single brothers and all was well for a while. None of us had any drama going on, the world was serene.

Fast forward to the present. Right now, my social circle is filled with couples in stable, thoughtful relationships that look like they're going to last for a considerable amount of time, possibly even marriage. Problem is, they're all younger than I am. No excuses.

The breaking point was yesterday. Apparently every single girl at this wedding I attended was taken. It was shocking. Usually when the bride tosses the bouquet, the unwed ladies are a frenzied mob of nails and heels, Darwin's theory of evolution at its finest. Not this crowd apparently. They could've been in line at city hall to pay their parking tickets. It didn't help that my mom and family friends were constantly teasing me about having a girlfriend.

I'm asian.
I'm in engineering.
I like anime and manga!
I survive well without natural sunlight.
I judge my fitness level by how many times my stomach undulates when I slap it; twice.

Alright world, here I am. I'm single and available.

...Why aren't the girls flocking to me? :P


b.p. said...

you survive well without natural sunlight?! *gasp* maybe they're afraid that you're a vampire! :P

Giovanni said...

Vampires are in... These days all those girls into Twilight...

tyen said...

lol. after some serious heartbreak in what i thought was a committed relationship . . . . single is better. you aren't old until you get married. stay young! fight the good fight!