April 24, 2009

Have a nice life....

"Have a nice life..." is a quip I've been popularizing these past few weeks. There's such a dualism in that phrase, and it's true intention can be easily lost, especially if it's only in print, as in this case. The intonation in person however, can carry worlds of meaning.

I first said it to an acquaintance that I met in residence in my first year. We were parting ways because of our alternating co-op terms and I really didn't know, if ever, we would see one another again. At the time, I said it in all earnestness, and I didn't realize how sarcastic it could sound until later.

How do you say goodbye? Do you prefer to avoid it entirely? Do you imagine that you might run into these friends sometime in the future, even across countries and continents? Is it just "ttyl" then?

Leave a comment below!


RaDiAntStAr said...

i said have a nice life the first time i very nearly broke up with my bf and then when i broke up with him i said i'll see you later.

hrm guess i fulfilled all those cliche punches.

Becks said...

I remember someone saying those words to me followed by "hope I'll see you in heaven"in which case I suppose it's a good way to make someone think about the afterlife.

Goodbyes seem so final. Perhaps a part of it is denial, but I prefer to think or hope I'll see someone again - even if it is 3, 5, 10 years down the road.