December 24, 2009

Christmas Update!

Ah, the Christmas season. Time for family, friends, food and fun.

It's been pretty busy, but good in that I'm not stressed about doing anything, because I'm only busy with things I take pleasure in, whether it be meeting up with old friends, or buying gifts, or going out skating.

I've managed to meet up with my high school friends, as well as my kingston asian "homies." Seems like we're all slowly growing up. Getting jobs, moving away from town, getting married. We all seem to come back together well though, things clicking, old jokes resurfacing, promises made and broken to keep in touch. It's a little bubble around Christmas where we're pulled in, a warm fuzzy blanket of carefree times, if only just for a moment.

In terms of school- I think I managed to pass everything. Most of you know that I ended up being held back a year, splitting time between Vancouver and repeating my 2nd half of my third year. This term was all new material, 4th year courses that I got to pick myself, which made life a lot more interesting.

I'm just waiting on marks from two courses, expecting one to be really good, and one to be.....kinda ugly. As long as I passed that last one though, I should be laughing my way through 4B.

I'm debating about taking 5 or 6 courses, 3 of them I'm set on, and the other 3 I'm really interested in taking to further my own development as a person and as a future engineer. I want to take all 6 courses, but I only need 5 credits to get my degree. Should I put myself in a position again to struggle, or should I just take it easy in my last four months as an undergraduate student? There are a lot of fun things I want to do: play sports, more friend time, rock out on guitar, get a girlfriend....

Oh the girlfriend issue. Lots of feedback came back on that last post, ranging from, "you know, sometimes it just happens and you fall into it without realizing..." to offers of introduction to female friends. Apparently I come across as a respectable sort of fellow. Who knew? Thanks for the advice folks. I'm still plugging away though, looking for the girl of my dreams.

The final item on my agenda for today is starting my career. Although co-op experience definitely has given me a leg up, and quite a diversity of experience, the real world is another level. When you're a co-op, you're expected to try new things and different experiences, and none of the employers will question your motives when you say, "I just wanted to try this out." We're expected to have a few more goals in mind, industries or roles we've picked out, and it becomes a lot harder to jump from position to position. I'm still looking at getting a job in Vancouver first, but I'll be jumping at any job that really gets me off on a solid footing in terms of the right career experiences and opportunities.

It's been a crazy half-year since I last posted, but that's a little piece of my life for those of you who are interested. I'll be aiming to post every month or so just to keep things fresh around here.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Ally said...

post mooooore! i love blogs.