December 13, 2008

Good old Disney. (Jon's feats of unmanliness #001)

You know what? Disney has still got it. I am twenty-two years old and I am still thoroughly entertained by the stories and characters that come from this company.

I've just had the opportunity to watch WALL-E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class - whoot!) and I loved it. I could go on into all the thoughtful various running themes that tied into the story, (over consumption - Buy n' Large, disregard for the environment - skyscrapers of garbage, sentience of artificial intelligence - WALL-E/EVE, breaking out of stereotypes - mo!, Gender roles - Eve rescues WALL-E, overspecialization/over-reliance of humans on technology - captain) BUT, I'm really a sucker for corny movies. I think what really sold the movie for me was that the lowly garbage worker robot got the pretty girl robot who clearly outclassed him. (Looks like there's hope for me after all!) I think all good movies have a love story in there somewhere.

That brings me to the Beauty and the Beast. Classic story that doesn't get old. The theatre was packed with kids learning or seeing the story for the first time. I also loved the music from the original disney film. I really wish that they would bring back some epic songwriting (cues intro from Lion King). The production really brought me back and I almost started singing along a couple times, even though the lyrics were a little fuzzy. Gaston was my favourite actor - the actor totally captured the essence of the part, down to the chest hair and leather pants. Oh, the only downside of the live production is the actor playing the Beast's impersonation of a roar. It's quite literally like a rawr sound. Sadness.

Yay Disney. Makes me all mushy inside.


Bily said...

yo disney is awesome! I'd be game for a disney marathon, especially the classic ones with the singalong fun =D

i saw a Beauty n the Beast production too. it was when i was in california last year and that was such a wonderful bit of reminiscence. right from the start it felt like i was watching the movie and taken right in =p

oh look at us talk about disney =p
but ah there are rather timeless qualities about it

Anonymous said...

i love this post

derek said...


did you recognize the tribute to steve jobs/apple? :p

-the design of eve was very mac-like
-the wall-ee boot up sound, was def a mac lol.