March 6, 2011

UK Day 14 Update

I've kinda lost track of the exact number of days I've been here now. Feels like it's been quite a while. I almost have the look right then left thing figured out when crossing the roads, but I haven't gotten the accent down yet :P.

The work scene's going to be a little more demanding than anticipated - heading back there tomorrow to button things up and to make sure that the designs are carried through into reality. Got some really generous hospitality from my coworkers, who've driven me around and graciously allowed me to even stay over.

Yesterday was so amazing and yet so unplanned. I met up with a friend who I went to school with that's continuing their studies in Scotland. We met up in the morning with no plans in the day other than to sync up in the morning. We ended up shopping at the Portobello Market, sightseeing at Big Ben and the parliament buildings, Westminster Abbey, Trafalgar Square; took a spin around the London Eye and even managed to catch the musical Wicked in the theatre district. Wouldn't have traded that day for anything.

I've settled into a Hostel near the Waterloo Tube station here, just about to set out for the city for the first day on my own. No company to share the experiences, but nobody to slow me down either. London, here I come!

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